Later tonight, Ron and I met Ron and LeeAnn at Casey's Pizza and we got to meet Darren McCarty.
Went to the hospital today for RA meds blood work. Went to see Dr. McMath at 10:30, and picked up the Zocor Dr. Hall had prescribed. Worried about starting it, but I guess if my cholesterol is so out of wack, I need to do something.
Later tonight, Ron and I met Ron and LeeAnn at Casey's Pizza and we got to meet Darren McCarty.
My Dr. appointment was at 9:45, but I arrived at 9:35. Didn't even get back to see him until 10:00, and sat in his room for another 1/2 hour. He came in at 10:30. Asked him if I could get out of my pain management contract for Norco so I could have Dr. VanDellen prescribe it for me. He is so Frustrating, but on a good note, today was his last day at this office. Thanks for the heads up Doc. Whatever. I never liked him anyway. So I left there at 10:50. Was late for my chiropractor appointment which was at 10:45, but I went and got in right away. I Felt So Much Better after seeing Dr. McMath. I Always Do! Don't know what I would do without Dr. McMath!
My husband gave me a coloring book and gel pens for Christmas this past year. These are the ones I have finished so far. I have always loved the taste of watermelon, but watermelon has never liked me. And to be honest, I believe that Watermelon could have been the trigger to my auto immune response which led me to being struck done with Rheumatoid Arthritis over 25 years ago. Here is some interesting information about watermelon:
The lycopene in watermelon is a well-documented inhibitor of many inflammatory processes, including the production of pro-inflammatory messaging molecules, the expression of enzymes like cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase that can lead to increased inflammatory response, and the activity of molecular signaling agents like nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB). Lycopene is also a well-known antioxidant, with the ability to neutralize free radical molecules. One study showed red watermelon to contain over 600 micrograms of beta-carotene per 3.5 ounces of melon and over 6,500 micrograms of lycopene. Watermelon is a unusual fruit source of the carotenoid lycopene and a rich source of phenolic antioxidants. Watermelon containscucurbitacin E, a triterpene anti-inflammatory phytounutrient, and unusual amounts of the amino acid citruline. Citrulline is alpha amino gamma ureidovaleric acid. It is formed from ornithine and takes part in the synthesis of urea. It donates one of its nitrogen for the systhesis of urea. Arginine is synthesized from citrulline in presence of aspartic acid, ATP and Mg ++ Citrulline is found in high concentration in the liver. Citrulline is not a component of any major proteins or enzymes. In the mitochondria, the ‘power house’ of cells, ammonia combines with carbon dioxide and ornithine to form citrulline. Citrulline is then transported out of the mitochondria into the cytoplasm where it is then converted to yet another amino acid called arginine. Thus citrulline is essential to detoxify and remove ammonia from muscle and liver cells. Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid and plays a role in nitrogen balance and metabolic processes. Although not a component of most proteins in the body, citrulline is found in some specialized proteins in the hair, skin and neural cells. It is primarily synthesized from glutamine in the intestines but is also found naturally in trace amounts in some foods. Citrulline supplied by the diet is efficiently absorbed from the stomach and enters the blood via the major vein draining the digestive system that empties into the liver. Much of it bypasses uptake in the liver and is then circulated for distribution to the kidneys, brain, muscle and other tissues for conversion to arginine. Left today at 7:15 to go to Dr. Frascones. I arrived at 8:15 even though my appointment was at 8:45, and got right in. Had shots in both feet. The right one hurt, but not as bad as yesterday's transferaminals, so I was happy. Came right home, and vacuumed the living room and kitchen.
Lori came to pick me up at 11:15 and drove me to Dr Turk's to have Dr. Schuato give me my second series of Transferaminals. We arrived at 11:30, so had time to go to his other office to pee in a cup and get my Norco prescription, then to the other office to have the shots. I know the injections help, but they sure do hurt! After getting them, Lori brought me to the pharmacy so I could get my script filled, the home. Felt good when I got home, just sore. But I vacuumed the entry and fireplace rooms.
Dr. VanDellen today at 10:15. Blood tests came back, and everything within normal ranges.
Best news of the day is that after biting my nails for my entire life, I have finally stopped biting my nails for good! So proud! |
AuthorMy name is Karen. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid in the fall of 1990 when I was almost 22 years old. Archives
January 2020
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