Yesterday and today my first Catagory is now available: Animals, Birds, Insects and Sea Creatures.
It feels good to be back working on my Karen's Cubby. Over the past week, I have been working on getting the first of the many Vectored Art catagories organized, uploaded, and finally available to the public.
Yesterday and today my first Catagory is now available: Animals, Birds, Insects and Sea Creatures.
I have started reading the Bible multiple times over my life, starting with Genesis,
intending on reading it completely through, but never quite making it. I have also listened to my preacher site scripture while preaching Sunday service, but never knowing exactly what books, chapters, and verses I have heard, learned, and read. While listening to our preacher's sermon on the first Sunday of the 2023 New Year, I started thinking about making a checklist to help keep track of all the chapters and verses I have read and heard, and when I returned home, I started designing my new Bible Checklist. I have worked on this project non-stop for the past 2+ months, and I finally finished it. I hope it can help you too. I feel like it's been a long time coming, I finally finished uploading several new Computer Fillable Ancestry forms, and made them available for Instant Digital Download. They are the following individual forms and 10 page packages: The individual forms and packages can also be found at: and I have had numerous customers write to me asking if my forms were computer fillable, and until today, I have sadly had to respond with a no. My husband bought me a PDF XChange Editor for my birthday, (Thank you SO much!) and I started that very day turning my Ancestry Forms into Computer Fillable Forms. Since the beginning of the year (2023) I have been uploading my new forms, and I feel like I am half way finished, so check back often to explore newly added forms. As of today, I have uploaded the following:
All of these forms are also sold as Individual Forms, so please shop around. I have more packages that will be coming soon, such as "My Grandchild and Great Grandchildren", "My Great Grandchildren and 2XGreat Grandchildren", "Child of _____ and Grandchildren", "Grandchild of _____ and Great Grandchildren", "Great Grandchild of ____ and 2X Great Grandchildren", and am working on new Timeline pages, and other new and exciting forms.
I have been designing these country maps since 2011 to use with my Ancestry research. Today I made these maps available for others to use in their genealogy research. The maps I have created are for the following countries:
I just finished adding 14 new pages available for Instant Digital Download Purchase: I just finished uploading all the New 2022 Calendars and Bullet Journal Pages. They are now available for download. Happy New Year Everyone!
I have been trying to find a "Comments and Reviews" or "Forum" app to put on my page, however, I can't seem to find an app that doesn't charge a monthly fee. I appreciate all your emails, and I try to respond to all of your questions and comments as quickly as I can. I am hoping that by adding this Blog page, you may be able to leave comments and questions on a shared blog. I look forward to hearing from you.
I have a long way to go to have my cubby organized and filled with all the information and designs I have made over the years, and I have countless graphic designs and pictures I want to share with the world, it's just that most times I just don't know where to start, and many times I feel like I am just spinning my wheels. And just as a little heads up, sometimes it takes many more days that I would like to return to this cubby and respond to my email. I try to at least once a week, though everything depends on if my body will allow me to function and for how long. (This is a whole other blog that I'm thinking of starting.) |
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March 2023
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